“My experience with the Bringóhinto”

2024 year 35 annual the BINGÓHINTÓ in Hajdúszoboszló!

On this occasion, we invite children and adults with skillful hands to a DRAWING COMPETITION!

Topic: Who knows the experience of bike carriage, spectacularly, exciting to draw, or paint?

You can make it with any manual technique, but photos, “Photoshop” out of the question.

Enter the artist's name in the lower left corner of the finished work, his age, his residence.

We are waiting for careers in these age groups:

  • Ovis (3-6 year)
  • Elementary School 1-2 class (7-8 year)
  • Elementary School 3-4 class (9-10 year)
  • Elementary School 5-8 class (11-14 year)
  • Adult (15-100 year)

There will be winners from all ages! Based on jury and audience vote.

Game conditions:

  • Send the drawing to this e-mail address: info@szoboszlo-bringohinto.hu
  • After the preliminary evaluation of the drawing, the Bringóhintó will be posted – To Hajdúszoboszló's Facebook page (YOU CAN SEE IT HERE)
  • If you have successfully entered the competition with the drawing, you will receive information about this by e-mail.
  • After that, you have nothing else to do, like sharing our post with the drawing on our Facebook page, and ask your friends, to vote for him (press the like button on it – they like it). If they share it too, the more likely the entry will receive more votes.
  • Only likes collected under the original post will be counted in the competition.

The creators of the winning drawings with free bicycle carriage coupons,
and other valuable prizes!

Good luck! We look forward to your creations!